Monday, May 25, 2009

Belated Birthday wishes!

May is a VERY busy month for birthdays around here, and I did not get around to posting this as promptly as I should have, but I wanted to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to some of my most favorite people who celebrated their special day over the weekend!!

First of all, my most bosom friend (I can hear you snickering! It's a most honorable title, I tell you! For you Anne of Green Gables fans, that is what Anne called Diana!!)...Michelle turned 41! I know that's hard to believe...she looks like a does she do that?

My most favorite brother in the whole world turned 49 and unfortunately, he's MUCH too far away to celebrate with him properly, but here's lots of XOXOXOX from your favorite sister (sshh, I won't tell the others that, your secret is safe!)....

And the dread pirate Silas, my scurvy scalliwag of a nephew, turned 6! Here's a picture of him with some of his cousins at his very festive pirate party over the weekend....

Sunday, May 24, 2009


We had a fantastic final week of school, with lots of ceremonies, awards and parties. But boy, oh boy, were we ever ready for it all just to be OVER with!! Nothing beats sleeping in on that first morning!! The kids first day at home was spent catching frogs and tadpoles....a perfect way to start summer break! Here are a few highlights of the past week....

Our baby has graduated....from kindergarten, that is! It goes by WAY too fast....I'm sure all you moms out there know how that feels! Isaac had a great kindergarten year and loves school, his new friends and math! Go figure - must get that from the Stinson sure doesn't come from his momma!

Here is Sophie and her third grade class and....

... Sophie receiving an award for maintaining the highest spelling average in her class.

Here she is with her good friend, Caroline.

Here is Mary Rose with her "besties"....Abigail, Emily and James....

Here is Mary Rose receiving an award for the highest overall grade-point average in her class...

And she also received the "Outstanding Character" award for the 5th grade.

We were also very proud of Jacob, who won the "Blue & Gold" Award for 7th grade at the middle school award ceremonies last week. The Blue & Gold Award is a peer-voted award that recognizes exemplary character. I don't have a picture of that award ceremony yet...I will post it soon! In the meantime, I will just share this special picture of him.....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to our wonderful mothers!!! As the saying goes "All that I am or ever hope to be...I owe to my mother." Cheesy, but true! We love you both so much and are so grateful for you!!! We can't say "thank-you" enough for the examples you both are as wives and mothers as we try to raise our own children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord."

God is good in so many ways....and not least of all in this - He has blessed us with godly mothers!

My own sweet husband and kids were good to me today! Lunch at my most favorite Mexican place....Garcia's fish tacos are out of this world-YUM.....breakfast made before I was out of bed, beautiful hand made cards from the kids.....and Jacob bought me tickets to the Hendersonville Garden Tour - his idea, with his own money- how sweet is that!? AND, my thoughtful hubby got me the best gift ever........a new GUITAR! I had been hinting at that for months...ever since Isaac started taking his lessons back in February. I couldn't stand sitting in on his lessons and not having my own guitar to strum along; I've wanted to learn for a long time before that even, so anyway, now I can!! I LOVE IT!!

Happy Birthday, Sophie!

Our sweet and sassy Sophie turned 9 this past week!!!

Sophie celebrated her birthday in style with a pink & black themed party at our local pottery studio with some friends. They had an fun time painting, partying and pigging out on some massive cupcakes!

I was trying to get a shot of her blowing out the candle; but ever the drama queen, she had to display some theatrics when we lit the sparkler candle.....
This pose was accompanied by loud screams and greatly exaggerated trembling...if you know Sophie, I'm sure you can imagine! Oh, puh-leeeeeze!!!!!!

Our fun-loving, people-loving, and attention-loving Sophie brings much excitement into our lives and keeps us entertained with her antics!!! She is a special girl in so many ways!
Happy Birthday, Bubbles!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mary Rose Spring Recital

We are so happy to have found such a wonderful music program for Mary Rose at Belmont University. It is quite a drive for us, but so worth it! She just performed in her spring recital this past weekend. This has been her toughest piece yet and she worked MANY hours to get it ready...we are proud of her hard work!

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