Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to our wonderful mothers!!! As the saying goes "All that I am or ever hope to be...I owe to my mother." Cheesy, but true! We love you both so much and are so grateful for you!!! We can't say "thank-you" enough for the examples you both are as wives and mothers as we try to raise our own children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord."

God is good in so many ways....and not least of all in this - He has blessed us with godly mothers!

My own sweet husband and kids were good to me today! Lunch at my most favorite Mexican place....Garcia's fish tacos are out of this world-YUM.....breakfast made before I was out of bed, beautiful hand made cards from the kids.....and Jacob bought me tickets to the Hendersonville Garden Tour - his idea, with his own money- how sweet is that!? AND, my thoughtful hubby got me the best gift ever........a new GUITAR! I had been hinting at that for months...ever since Isaac started taking his lessons back in February. I couldn't stand sitting in on his lessons and not having my own guitar to strum along; I've wanted to learn for a long time before that even, so anyway, now I can!! I LOVE IT!!


Steve said...

Love the picture of you and your Mom! That is good of Pat too!

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