Thursday, September 10, 2009

Once again, I have been slacking off with my blogging! Don't have time to post much now, but thought I would share Mary Rose' poem that she had to write for English last week. I thought it was sweet & her!

Where I'm From
by Mary Rose Stinson
I am from the Bible,
from learning the days of creation
to memorizing verses.
I am from the birch tree,
from the apple, pear, and plum tree,
whose sweet juicy fruit
Mom would make into
delicious sugary preserves.
I am from beef and salmon patties,
and from peanut butter and cinnamon sandwiches.
I'm from smelly friendly dogs
and sweet gray cats.
I'm from lots of family fun
every Christmas,
and the annual scavenger hunt.
I'm from clumsy priests
who change their last names,
from the rope swing
in the front yard,
from orphaned fawns,
from baby skunks,
and even from the bright red cardinal
that crashed into our window every morning.
I am from those moments
that you don't appreciate until they're gone,
the precious moments that I will always remember.


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