Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Coffey Cabin

Well, fall break was too short, but we enjoyed it while it lasted. We took a quick trip up to Caneyville, KY with my cousins and some friends to stay in their family's cabin. I use the word "cabin" is a beautiful, luxurious, woodsy retreat; there was no "roughing it" involved at all! My cousin, Terri, cooked for everyone all weekend and whipped up the most scrumptious meals; she had fresh flowers in everyone's room, and of course, brought along her fabulous mobile coffee bar....we were truly pampered! I keep telling her she needs to run her own bed & breakfast! The woods surrounding the house are gorgeous, with just a hint of fall color starting to show. We went on lots of nature hikes and discovered all kind of new (to us) trees and forest fauna. We were a tree-huggin' bunch all weekend, and have the chigger bites to prove it!
A big "thank you!" to Curt & Terri, for inviting us and to Joan & Larry for being so generous in sharing their beautiful home away from home!
Here's the whole gang; The Millers (friends from Indiana), Curtis & Terri Byers and our crew....
Our gracious hosts, Curt &Terri.....
Curtis on the front porch with all the kids...Bible trivia time!
The boys hanging out in the "BOYS ONLY" treehouse....
...And the girls in the "GIRLS ONLY" clubhouse!!

Here are a few shots from our nature hikes......

(can you see the "eye" on the tree trunk?....very Lord of the Ring-ish!
I thought it might start talking to us!)

(No, these are not ancient Native-American carvings, the artists are wood-boring!)

Jacob being a dare-devil....

Too tired to hike any more........

Enjoying the sunset.........

Smores at the fire pit........

Saturday morning, last minute hike to the lake.......


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