Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Fall, Y'all!!

The main reason I haven't posted more this month is because it's been BOOK FAIR time!

For those of you who don't know, I spend way too much time up at school in the elementary library, especially around this time of year. Our elementary bookfair happens every November and involves lots of preparation and projects. This year's theme was "Book Fair Safari" so we had fun transforming the library into the Serengeti! We have some tremendously talented moms, and super supportive parents who all work together to make our elementary book fair the BEST one you will ever see! Here are a couple of shots of the library all decked out...

Yes, that is a real stuffed impala and an authentic Zebra rug hanging from the ceiling; and a few other exotic pelts were draped all over the tables (we have a kindergarten dad who goes hunting in Africa every cool!)

And here is Sophie with her face painted during Family Night!

Also keeping us busy this month is Mary Rose's art exhibit. She was invited to show some pieces in an exhibit in downtown Nashville, so she worked hard and created some really nice pieces that were displayed and all sold on opening night! Thanks to our good friends and patrons of the arts...Brenda Preuett, Norman & Renita Harber, and Brenda & Emily Thompson for supporting Mary Rose's debut!


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